pGLO Bacterial Transformation@headingTag>
The pGLO plasmid has been designed to express green fluorescent pigment (GFP). The GFP gene was first isolated from jellyfish. With advancements in biotechnology, we can now transform E.Coli to express the GFP gene and glow under a green light.

Research Question:
- Can bacteria be genetically engineered to produce a jellyfish protein?
- Can the expression of GFP be regulated?
- What is the transformation efficiency of E.Coli HB101 when using transformation protocol?
Students will:
- Make bacteria growth media
- Streak agar plates for single colonies of bacteria
- Transform E.Coli with the pGLO plasmid
- Grow transformed bacteria
- Control expression of GFP gene
Lab skills learned:
- Streak bacteria to isolate single colonies
- Transform bacteria
- Calculation of transformation efficiency
- Use of Micropipets
pGLO Bacterial Transformation
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