Research Experiences for Teachers @headingTag>

Perform cutting edge research while working directly with experts in the field.
K-14 educators will work directly with high-level researchers to contribute to scientific discovery in a laboratory setting. Participants will enhance their scientific knowledge and translate their research experiences into exciting classroom activities and curricula.
This is a paid summer program lasting 6 weeks.
Participants are paid $5300, receive travel to the NSTA in Atlanta next year, and are given a stipend to purchase supplies for classroom activities.
Nanoscience Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers (NanoSIMST)@headingTag>

NanoSIMST is an intensive four day workshop designed to equip middle school educators with nanoscience content knowledge, lessons, and hands-on activities to enhance their classrooms. Participants will learn about quantum, nanoscience, and engineering through lectures, hands-on activities, tours, and guest speakers.
Teachers who participate are given a stipend for attending and additional funds to implement activities in their classrooms.
Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)
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